Why to Support?

Google representative at womENcourage 2016.

Ongoing success and far reaching impact of womENcourage can only be achieved through generous contributions by our faithful supporters.

Thanks to their support many participants receive travel and registration scholarships to join the event. At the same time, the supporters get an opportunity to shape the program through workshops and tutorials, hackathons and participation in panels. They also meet talented future engineers, get access to the participant resumes and introduce participants to employment opportunities during the Career Fair.

We invite your organization to join our supporters, to contribute and take part in womENcourage 2020!

Below are details of sponsorship packages. For further inquiries please contact us at womencourage2020_supporters[at]acm.org

Benefits Platinum
€10,000 and above
Recognition on conference websiteProminent Status logo Prominent Gold Status logo Prominent Silver Status logo Prominent Bronze Status logo
Recognition in conference programBenefits like for Diamond, with additional benefits,Prominent Status logo Prominent Gold Status logo Prominent Silver Status logo Prominent Bronze Status logo
Visibility in womENcourage press releasessuch as Hackathon sponsorship
womENcourage registrationsto be discussed with the organizers4321
Option to have inserts, gifts in registration packet
Receive report outlining regional evaluation and impact
Speaker slot√ (first 1 only)
Workshop√ (first 2 only)
Opportunity for participation on a panel√ (confirmed before 30 June April)
Career Fair2111
Career Fair table selection priority1st2nd3rd
Access to the student CV databaseOn the Opening dayOpening
+ 3 days
+ 1 week
+ 2 weeks