ADA University campus view of Buildings B and C.


Check out the times and venues for our activities, such as keynote speeches, poster presentations, career fair, hackathon and more.

Panelists at Ada's Legacy 2016.

Keynotes and Panels

Join our keynote speeches and panel discussions to learn about different perspectives from expert speakers and ask your questions directly.

Best poster award winners at womENcourage 2019.

Poster Presentations

Join poster presentations to learn about interesting research done by other students and early practitioners from all around the world.

Workshop participants at womENcourage 2019.

Workshops and Tutorials

Choose among parallel sessions of workshops or tutorials and gain some knowledge and practical skills from selected experts.

Hackathon participants in Hash Code 2017.


Join our hackathon with your team to create a functional prototype, which would bring a technological solution to a real-life problem.

Career Fair at womENcourage 2016.

Career Fair

At Career Fair, get answers to your career-related questions directly from company representatives and take part in onsite hiring sessions.

Baku night view from the Highland Park.

Cultural Program

Check out our virtual Baku city tours and film screenings to get a glimpse of what you can experience later.