Registration team at Ada's Legacy 2018.


You will need to register to be able to participate in all the event activities, including the conference, career fair and hackathon.

Four participants at womENcourage 2016.

Important Dates

Keep your eyes on important deadlines for registration, poster submissions, scholarship applications and workshop proposals.

Poster session at womENcourage 2019.

Submit Your Poster

With extended deadline we welcome submissions of a new or previously published work that present original ideas and research in any area of computing.

Workshop participants at Ada's Legacy 2019.

Propose a Workshop

We invite proposals for technical workshops or tutorials on any topics related to computer science research and practice.

womENcourage 2016 scholarship recipients with the ACM President.

Get a Scholarship

Thanks to our generous supporters, local and international alike, you have a chance to receive a participation scholarship to join the event.