Get a Scholarship!

Thanks to our generous supporters, local and international alike, you have a chance to receive a participation scholarship to join the event.

Together with our supporters we are proud to announce scholarships to a number of students (or non-students in some cases), who actively participate in the conference (with poster, workshop, tutorial, hackathon).

A small number of scholarships will be offered to students who do not contribute to the program actively, but have shown exceptional interest in the relevant fields, and are preferably in the first year(s) of their studies.

There are two types of scholarship:

  • Regular: Open to students currently studying in a university or equivalent educational institute in Europe as evidenced by your email address.
  •  OC Student Members: This will be open to student volunteers in OC.

No more than 50% of the scholarship budget will be reserved for student volunteers in the OC. Other conditions may apply.

Participation Scholarship

The purpose of our participation scholarship is to encourage women in the field of computing to:

  • Accelerate in their career through learning from others and asking for help when necessary;
  • Converse with others on how best to manage their work life balance; and
  • Meet with their peers in order to build on their networks of expertise.

This scholarship award is a note of appreciation for your participation. It covers a free womENcourage registration membership.

The applications should be filled online before the closing date. The Scholarship online application will open on the 10th of May, 2022 and close on the 10th of June, 2022.

The applications require an abstract indicating the relevance of womENcourage to the applicant. More detailed guidelines can be found below.

We aim to provide scholarships to as many different academic levels, universities, and across as many different countries as possible to promote the ACM and encourage networking of our participants in their chosen fields. Active contribution and volunteering are the basis of our scholarship, which is open to all genders and all fields directly related to computing. 

For more information please contact us at womencourage2022_scholarships[at]

Guide to a Successful Application

What are the application review procedures?

  • The applications should be filled in online before the closing date. The applications require an abstract indicating the relevance of womENcourage to the applicant.
  • The review process will take approximately one month.
  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the review process via the email provided by the learner on the application form. The date of notification is indicated in our Welcome Page.
  • Attendance at the event is required to receive the scholarship.
  • A confirmation of the scholarship will be received that can be used as proof of registration to all the scholarship recipients.

Who is eligible?

  • Applicants must be an undergraduate or postgraduate student in good academic standing in full-time education or in exceptional circumstances an early career educator or researcher.
  • The applicant must be currently studying in a European university or equivalent educational institute. 
  • The applicant’s field of study should be a computing or a STEAM-related field (aligned with the conference theme). 
  • The applicant must not have received a womENcourage grant or participation scholarship in the previous year (2021). If you did not receive a scholarship in the previous year but did in any other year you may apply again this year.
  • The applicant may have a poster/workshop/tutorial accepted but it is not essential. A small number of scholarships will be offered to students who do not contribute to the program actively, but have shown exceptional interest in the relevant fields and are preferably in the first year(s) of their studies.
  • In the event of multiple authorship, each author should apply separately for the participation scholarship and will be considered separately.
  • The applicant must provide a curriculum vitae of no more than 2 pages length in PDF format.
  • The applicant’s supervisor or lecturer must fill out the required form. Without this form the applicant will not be considered for the scholarship and their application is deemed invalid.
  • The email address provided by the applicant on the form must be the student’s university email account (e.g.
  • The participant must accept the scholarship within the given time frame (normally 2 weeks) from the date of notification. If the scholarship is not accepted, it will be reallocated to the next eligible participant.

How can I apply?

  • Complete the application form, which will be available here soon.
  • Remember to think carefully about why you would like to go to the event when filling in the application form.
  • Submit the application to the EasyChair Submission Link by selecting the Scholarships Track.
    • Make sure you select the correct track for scholarships submissions!

I am a part-time student, can I still apply?

  • Yes you can apply. We do not distinguish between full time and part time students.