Call for Extended Abstracts/Posters/Videos
Open to all genders, womENcourage is an initiative of ACM-W Europe and aims to connect women from diverse technical disciplines and encourage them to pursue their education and profession in computing.
This year’s Conference Theme is: Drawing New Lines in Science
ACM womENcourage 2022 recognises that both the Arts and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) share a focus on creative thinking, problem solving and experiential, immersive learning. The integration of Arts in Science and Technology makes it more accessible, promotes conceptual understanding, facilitates enquiry learning and makes the learning experience more engaging. Combining the Arts with STEM by promoting a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics) approach to the event reinforces the encouraging nature of this event. We invite individuals in STEAM disciplines and all those interested in the design, development, and use of technology and how it relates to the field of the Arts, to join our celebration in an attempt to overcome boundaries by drawing new lines in science!
Guidelines for Submitting Poster and Video for the final Posters Session:
Congratulations to all successful poster submissions! Now it is time to submit your poster and video files.
Detailed guidelines for creating the Poster can be found in the Guide to a Successful Poster Submission available here.
. The guide includes essential information on the following aspects:
- Novelty (quality of the work and significance of author’s contributions)
- Presentation (clarity and precision, spelling, visual guidelines)
- Advertising your research (showcase achievements of women in computing)
- Useful practical tips (preferred poster size and layout, printing and displaying your poster)
To upload the final Poster and Video files use the EasyChair submission link below and make sure you select the Posters Track when you submit! The acceptable formats for the posters and video are listed next to each file upload field.
Posters will be exhibited at the conference venue (University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus) and authors are expected to join the Poster sessions.
Note that in order for your posters to be included in the final posters session you have to be registered.
We recommend to upload the poster and video files by the 1st of July, 2022.
Guidelines for One-Page Extended Abstract (and accompanying Poster/Video) Submissions:
- One-Page Extended Abstract submissions are targeted to students, graduates, early-stage researchers, and early career individuals – rather than senior researchers and/or experts. If you have an early-stage work or research project and want to share it with a brilliant, vibrant, and supportive community, this is the right place!
- One-Page Extended Abstracts should be prepared using the SIGCONF Template available here:
- Submissions should emphasise the importance of the research and the author’s contributions.
- The one-page extended abstracts must be submitted as a PDF file through EasyChair (links to submission through EasyChair is available at the end of the page)
- Submitted abstracts will be reviewed and authors will be notified of the review output.
- Following the acceptance of the one-page extended abstract, participants are invited to create and submit a Poster and a short Video.
- Posters will be exhibited at the conference venue (University of Central Lancashire, Cyprus) and authors are expected to join the Poster sessions.
- Poster sessions are aimed at providing an inspiring, encouraging, healthy and positive space to share early research, technical developments and innovative work developed by participants who are pursuing their academic degrees or starting their careers in computing. The goal is to support participants at different stages in their STEAM careers by offering an international, multisectoral and multidisciplinary forum eager to share experience and knowledge, get constructive feedback, and promote meaningful networking.
- Detailed guidelines for creating the Poster can be found in the Guide to a Successful Poster Submission available here.
. The guide includes essential information on the following aspects:- Novelty (quality of the work and significance of author’s contributions)
- Presentation (clarity and precision, spelling, visual guidelines)
- Advertising your research (showcase achievements of women in computing)
- Useful practical tips (preferred poster size and layout, printing and displaying your poster)
- Extended Abstracts and Posters are shared with the community but are not published in proceedings and, consequently, evaluation is not merely based on the scientific contribution but values aspects such as:
- the alignment with the conference main theme,
- the capability to raise discussion,
- the promotion of crosspollination amongst young and senior participants, from academia and industry.
- In addition to the One-Page Extended Abstract and Poster, and to increase the visibility of their work, authors of accepted abstracts are also invited to produce a short (2-minute) Video to demonstrate/present their Extended Abstract/Poster.
Topics for submission may include, yet are not limited to the following:
- Virtual learning experience design
- Augmented reality experience design
- Civic participation, engagement, equality, diversity, and inclusion
- Intersectionality (gender+)
- Liberal arts & technology
- Employability and transferable skills in STEAM
- Creativity and entrepreneurship in STEAM
- Upskilling through social technologies
- The art of science
- Digital disruption
Important Dates:
One-page Extended Abstract Submission deadline: 29 May 2022
Notification of Acceptance/Rejection of Extended Abstracts: 06 June 2022
Poster and Video Submission deadline: 30 June 2022
Submit Here:
Make sure you select the Posters Track when you submit!
We look forward to receiving your Extended Abstract submissions!