Info for hackathon participants

Dear participants,

in this page you can find useful information concerning the hackathon.

You have been assigned to one of the following challenges, see <to be updated> the spreadsheet with your team name and challenge.

More detailed descriptions of the challenges:

You are free to use any software tool or programming language, however the project development methodologies will be  Design Thinking and Mission Model Canvas.  Find here a presentation describing these methods.

From 17:00 to 18:00 you will present your solution to the jury. You are allowed 4 minutes only! Being able to prepare a good and effective presentation is very important. Choose the best presenter in your team, and follow the attached guidelines for an effective pitch.

Do not forget to bring with you your computer, a battery, and an HDMI/VGA adapter to project your presentation.

Also remember that we have a waiting list. Let us know if anything prevents you from participating in the hackathon. Be on time or you will be replaced by others.