Career Fair

September 17th, 16:30 – 19:00, Scarpa Room

We are happy to welcome you to the Career Fair which will take place in the second day of the womENcouage Conference, on September 17th, from 16:30 to 19:00. Participation in the career fair is free of charge, but because of the room capacity, the number of participants is limited. So please register your interest by completing this form.

The Career Fair is the place where you can meet representatives of companies such as Eni, Ernst & Young, GoogleOracle AcademyIBMAccenture, Var Group, Fondazione Bordoni, Avio Aereo, CTNA, Microsoft and others.

Our generous supporters are listed here.

Bring with you several copies of your curriculum, and be ready to shortly illustrate it to company representatives. Alternatively, you can use your time to ask questions concerning career opportunities.