
Posters provide womENcourage participants with an opportunity to present their work, receive feedback, exchange knowledge and establish collaborations with others who share the same interests. Poster submissions present original ideas and research in computing. The topics include but are not limited to computing designs, algorithms, techniques, systems, tools, evaluations, scientific investigations, methodologies, and societal, ethical, and policy issues.

10 Best Posters

The ten best posters are:


Presenter Title
Areej Istaiti and Paloma Martínez Abbreviation Extraction in Spanish Clinical Text
Tania Di Mascio and Laura Tarantino A novel children-oriented data gathering technique
Konstantina Arnaoutaki A Recommender for Mobility as a Service
Gaia Campisi and Monica Mantovani Automatic detection of sexist content in memes
Mireya Munoz-Balbontin, Arantza Aldea, Tjeerd Olde Scheper, Clare Martin, Helen Dawes, Sophie Lawrie, Salvador Villalpando-Carrion and Maria Jose Adame Criticality Analysis of Diabetic Gait in Children (CARDIGAN)
Thomais Asvestopoulou, Erjona Nikolli, Ioannis Smyrnakis, Vassilios Andreadakis, Ioannis M. Aslanides and Maria Papadopouli Evaluation of DysLexML; A Screening Tool for Dyslexia Using Machine Learning
Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi and Rita Cucchiara Show, Control and Tell: A Framework for Generating Controllable and Grounded Captions
Marilisa Montemurro, Elena Grassi, Gianvito Urgese, Carmelo Gabriele Pizzino, Andrea Bertotti and Elisa Ficarra Single-cell DNA Sequencing Data: a Pipeline for Multi-Sample Analysis
Joanna Broniarek, Karolina Sienkiewicz, Janusz Bujnicki and Filip Stefaniak Structure Interaction Fingerprints (SIFs) as descriptors for machine learning methods
Sarah Zielinski and Stefan Geisler What can I do? User Onboarding in Industry 4.0

There will be a poster session on Wednesday at 09:30 in the Corner Room, where the jury and anyone else will be able to see the posters.

The 10 best poster presentations   (following the template thas has been sent to you weeks ago) MUST BE GIVEN TO CONTROL ROOM IN THE AUDITORIUM during the lunch break OR sent to  NOT LATER THAN 13:00

The poster karaoke is at 16:00 in the Auditorium


September 16th, Monday

Poster Session 1: 14:00-15:30


Presenter Title Abstract
Claudio Arbib, Fatemeh Kafash Ranjbar and Stefano Smriglio A Dial-a-Ride problem in the internal logistics of a wafer fab Abstract
Ageliki Tsioliaridou, Fanouris Alevizakis and Sotiris Ioannidis A Routing Protocol for Mobile Peer-to-Peer Nano-Networks Abstract
Mai Abusair, Mohammad Sharaf, Antinisca Di Marco, Paola Inverardi and Henry Muccini An Approach for Developing Context-Aware Mobile Application Abstract
Monica Sanchez-Francisco An interaction model to enhance civic engagement with affordable technology Abstract
Evelina Di Corso and Tania Cerquitelli Democratising data science on corpora: automated knowledge extraction and visualisation at ease Abstract
Abimbola Afolayan and Bolanle Ojokoh Development of a Feedback Integrated Multi-criteria Group Decision Support System for Contractor Selection Abstract
Carolin Straßmann, Sabrina C. Eimler, Alexander Arntz, Dustin Keßler, Sarah Zielinski, Gabriel Brandenberg, Vanessa Dümpel and Uwe Handmann Development of a Virtual Reality Application Affecting Relaxation and Well-being Abstract
Gabriella Casalino, Giovanna Castellano and Corrado Mencar Evolving fuzzy clustering for data analysis in Virtual Learning Environments Abstract
Antonietta Lanza, Rosa Lanzilotti, Teresa Roselli and Veronica Rossano Girls, Where Are You? Abstract
Cristina Bottani, Gabriella Esposito and Paola Stolfi Machine Learning on Real Time Data for Oil&Gas Abstract
Tina Lüthe and Amanda Klingner Reading encouragement for children with humanoid robots Abstract
Leyla Bazneh Role of Data Analytics in Business Abstract
Carla Limongelli, Carlo De Medio, Fabio Gasparetti, Flippo Sciarrone and Marco Temperini Searching and Recommending Didactic Material from a Teacher’s Perspective Abstract
Alexia Dini Kounoudes and Georgia Kapitsaki The open area of user-centric privacy protection in the Internet of Things Abstract
Maral Gurbanzade, Edwin van der Heide and Joost Broekens Trust me if you can: Exploratory study on the effects of anthropomorphism in embodied social robots on self-disclosure of users in dyadic communication Abstract
Habiba Akter Tunneling the Internet Abstract
Loredana Verardi UI design patterns in IoT-based Business Process Digitalization Abstract
Rosa Lanzilotti and Maristella Matera Women-driven History of Human-Computer Interaction in Italy Abstract



Poster Session 2: 15:30-17:00


Presenter Title Abstract
Alessia Auriemma Citarella, Alfredo Di Nuccio, Rita Francese, Maria Frasca, Michele Risi and Genoveffa Tortora A Deep Learning-Based Feature Selection Process on Leukemia Data Abstract
Nonyelum Ndefo A framework for Testing Information Preservation in Schema Transformations Abstract
Marie Ely Piceno and Laura Rodriguez-Navas A graphical tool for the interpretation of medical data Abstract
Dilushi Piumwardane, Carlos Pérez-Penichet, Christian Rohner and Thiemo Voigt Backscatter Communication for Wireless Robotic Materials Abstract
Johanna Walker, Elena Simperl, Sophie Stalla-Bourdillon and Kieron O’Hara Decision Making Processed for Data Sharing: A Framework for Data Trusts Abstract
Tanvir Allidina, Lipika Deka and Daniel Paluszczyszyn Developing Functional Test Scenarios for Around the Corner Navigation by Autonomous Vehicle Abstract
Orsolya Vásárhelyi, Igor Zakhlebin and Emőke-Ágnes Horvát Does social media democratize science? The role of gender homophily in scientific success Abstract
Renza Campagni, Donatella Merlini and Maria Cecilia Verri Gender gap in scientific studies: a data mining approach Abstract
Lauren S Ferro Keep your attackers close but your users closer Abstract
Alessio Vaccaro and Beatrice Di Sero Machine Learning for Power Plants Cyber Security Abstract
Maria Oikonomidou, Polyvios Pratikakis, Charalampos Saridakis and Sofia Angelidou Mining Celebrity Endorsement Perceptions Using Varieties of Twitter Account Automated Data Abstract
Alicia Lara-Clares and Ana García-Serrano MPOC: Web system for the generation and management of inclusive itineraries in museums. Abstract
Lena Schaare and Sabrina Eimler Ready to Robot!? – Engaging Kindergarden Girls’ and Boys’ Expectations Towards Robotic Devices Abstract
Nele Borgert and Stefan Holtel Share It — A New Paradigm for Interactions with Intelligent Cognitive Assistants Abstract
Begum Moralioglu The Use of Digital Media in Computational Design Process of Synesthesia Spaces Abstract


September 17th, Tuesday

Poster Session 3: 09:30-10:30


Presenter Title Abstract
Ilseyar Alimova and Elena Tutubalina A comparison of neural network models for adverse drug reactions identification Abstract
Konstantina Arnaoutaki A Recommender for Mobility as a Service Abstract
Areej Istaiti and Paloma Martínez Abbreviation Extraction in Spanish Clinical Text Abstract
Donya Rooein Adaptive Chatbots Acting Like Tutor: Understanding and Support Learning Abstract
Lan Wei, Rogerio Gerbatin, Cristina Reschke, Gareth Morris, David Henshall and Catherine Mooney Automated Annotation of EEG in a Mouse Model of Epilepsy Abstract
Gaia Campisi and Monica Mantovani Automatic detection of sexist content in memes Abstract
Alessandra Legretto and Paolo Buono Comparing predictive models through visual techniques Abstract
Mireya Munoz-Balbontin, Arantza Aldea, Tjeerd Olde Scheper, Clare Martin, Helen Dawes, Sophie Lawrie, Salvador Villalpando-Carrion and Maria Jose Adame Criticality Analysis of Diabetic Gait in Children (CARDIGAN) Abstract
Eliana Pastor and Elena Baralis Enhancing Interpretability of Black Box Models by means of Local Rules Abstract
Eva Papadogiannaki and Sotiris Ioannidis High performance encrypted network traffic inspection using hardware accelerators Abstract
Abeer Dyoub, Stefania Costantini and Francesca Alessandra Lisi Learning Rules for Ethical Customer Service Abstract
Veselka Boeva, Milena Angelova, Vishnu Manasa Devagiri and Elena Tsiporkova Patient Profiling Using Evolutionary Clustering Abstract
Michaela Areti Zervou, Goerge Tzagkarakis and Panagiotis Tsakalides Psychiatric patient monitoring based on a dynamical recurrence analysis of multidimensional wearable sensor data Abstract
Georgiana Denisa Stefan Restaulytics: Sentiment Analysis in Restaurant Reviews Abstract
Pallavi Kaliyar and Mauro Conti Secure and Scalable routing protocol for Internet of Things Abstract
Adelina Basholli Sensor-based architecture for remote and continuous monitoring of chronic diseases in developing regions Abstract
Marcella Cornia, Lorenzo Baraldi and Rita Cucchiara Show, Control and Tell: A Framework for Generating Controllable and Grounded Captions Abstract
Viviana Arrigoni and Annalisa Massini Solving Quasi Block Diagonal Linear Systems Abstract
Lauren S Ferro The Human Factor in Cybersecurity Abstract
Eleonora Avanzolini, David Harrison Ferrell and Travis David Kroeker The New Frontier of Virtual Personal Assistants: Clippardina, the 2019 Microsoft Office Suite Virtual Personal Assistant Abstract
Edlira Dushku Towards Remote Attestation as a Service for IoT Abstract
Luou Wen What would Avengers be like with Mr Bean as Thor? – How can ‘deepfakes’ disrupt the film industry? Abstract



Poster Session 4: 11:30-12:30


Presenter Title Abstract
Giorgia Di Tommaso A method for multidomain entity recommenders Abstract
Eleonora Velluto and Ata Chokhachian A model driven method to optimize thermal comfort Abstract
Tania Di Mascio and Laura Tarantino A novel children-oriented data gathering technique Abstract
Waris Gill and Öznur Özkasap A Reliable Edge Computing Architecture for Petrol Industry Abstract
Vittoria Frau, Lucio Davide Spano and Carlo Cuccu Browsing Medical Records in Mixed Reality with MR² Abstract
Giorgia Pitteri, Vincent Lepetit and Slobodan Ilic Detection and 3D Pose Estimation of New Objects in Color Images without Retraining Abstract
Despoina Antonakaki, Maria Oikonomidou, Alexander Shevtsov, Polyvios Pratikakis, Sotiris Ioannidis and Paraskevi Fragopoulou Discovery and classification of Twitter bots Abstract
Thomais Asvestopoulou, Erjona Nikolli, Ioannis Smyrnakis, Vassilios Andreadakis, Ioannis M. Aslanides and Maria Papadopouli Evaluation of DysLexML; A Screening Tool for Dyslexia Using Machine Learning Abstract
Praveen Mathew, Shreya Farkade and Ruth Lennon Integrating Blockchain Technology and IoT to devise a secure IoT solution Abstract
Madeleine Tod Quantum vs Classical – survival of the fittest SVM Abstract
Ester Zumpano, Luciano Caroprese, Francesco Dattola, Pasquale Iaquinta, Pierangelo Veltri and Eugenio Vocaturo SIMPATICO 3D: Sistema Informativo Medico PATologIe COmplesse Abstract
Marilisa Montemurro, Elena Grassi, Gianvito Urgese, Carmelo Gabriele Pizzino, Andrea Bertotti and Elisa Ficarra Single-cell DNA Sequencing Data: a Pipeline for Multi-Sample Analysis Abstract
Ada Bagozi and Valeria De Antonellis Smart contracts exploitation to trust in a world of multi-party remote services Abstract
Pireh Pirzada, Adriana Wilde and David Harris-Birtill Smart Homes for elderly to promote their health and wellbeing Abstract
Federica Amato, Clara Monaco, Rosanna Coccaro and Emilia Severino SmartMama: Enhancing Women’s Experience with Pregnancy Abstract
Joanna Broniarek, Karolina Sienkiewicz, Janusz Bujnicki and Filip Stefaniak Structure Interaction Fingerprints (SIFs) as descriptors for machine learning methods Abstract
Elena Bellodi, Evelina Lamma, Fabrizio Riguzzi, Giuseppe Cota and Riccardo Zese The cplint Probabilistic Logic Programming System Abstract
Anna Markella Antoniadi and Catherine Mooney The Multi-Dimensional Process of Developing a Clinical Decision Support System using Machine Learning Abstract
Joanna Mania To the Moon and Back: A Study on the Overview Effect in the Virtual Reality Environment Abstract
Rosa Sicilia Twitter Rumour Detection for Health Abstract
Daniela Mihai and Jonathon Hare Understanding the Meaning of Images Abstract
Sarah Zielinski and Stefan Geisler What can I do? User Onboarding in Industry 4.0 Abstract