Call for Last-minute Posters
The conference organizers have decided to open a last minute posters session to offer the opportunity to (re)send early works and some posters that were not strictly related to the event topics but still presenting relevant and innovative ideas related with computer science and technology.
- You can send or re-send your proposal (abstract + visual poster) here: Hotcrp for Last-minute Posters
- Proposals have to follow the same guidelines as posters except for the submission site. See guidelines below.
- Strict deadline: May 10th
- Authors notification: May 17th
For more information, please contact Professors Paloma Díaz and Paloma Martínez.
Call for Posters
ACM womENcourage 2024 invites everyone to submit their work to the Poster Track. Posters provide womENcourage participants with an opportunity to present their work, benefit from insightful feedback and discussion, exchange knowledge, and establish collaborations.
We welcome poster submissions from all areas of computer science and computational sciences. As the theme of this year is “Responsible Computing for Gender Equality” we would like to encourage the authors to stress in their submissions at least one of these aspects:
* The usefulness of computing as a tool to augment human capabilities and contribute to the progress of society. There are key challenges in our society that need passion, talent, creativity, empathy, and responsibility to look for holistic, fair, and sustainable solutions. Responsible computing posters describe works that focus on any of the five relevant characteristics of responsible computing: being lawful, ethical, reliable, verifiable, and beneficial.
* A responsible perspective of computing can permeate different domains, but also relevant concerns on the impact of digital technologies can be taken into account. One of these concerns is gender equality, which should be addressed by developing new strategies to eliminate all kinds of biases not only in data and algorithms but also in user interfaces and the design of services. Hence, all works related to computing developments that take into account or promote equality are also welcome.
The submissions will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
- Degree to which there is a fit to the theme of the conference.
- How attractive the topic could be for womENcourage participants.
- How easy to understand the topic is for a person from another field of CS.
- The presenter will be a young student or junior woman, though the event welcomes all genders.
Submission guidelines
- The authors should submit two PDF documents:
- The extended abstract. The extended abstract should include the title, authors’ names, and affiliations, as well as provide a concise overview of the research, and should not exceed two pages in the ACM format, including bibliographic references. LaTeX users must use the provided acmart.cls and ACM-Reference-Format.bst without modification, enable the conference format in the preamble of the document (i.e., \documentclass[sigconf,review]{acmart}), and use the ACM reference format for the bibliography (i.e., \bibliographystyle{ACM-Reference-Format}). The review option adds line numbers, thereby allowing referees to refer to specific lines in their comments.
- The visual poster (optional at submission time). It is recommended that the abstract submission is accompanied by the poster. The poster should also include the title, authors’ names and affiliations, and a visually compelling presentation of the research presented in the extended abstract. The poster might also include QR codes to link to online materials. The template for the visual poster can be found on the womENencourage 2024 web. Please print your visual poster in A0 format (with dimensions of 84.1 cm in width and 119 cm in height).
- Submissions should be in English and fit the conference topics.
- The submissions must comply with the ACM Policy on Plagiarism, Misrepresentation, and Falsification. But as there are no proceedings (the posters will only be published on the conference website), feel free to present results that have already been published elsewhere.
- Submissions can have multiple authors (of any gender). At least one author of each accepted poster is expected to attend the event and present the poster at the venue. Authors of accepted posters can apply for womENcourage Scholarship.
- Upon acceptance, the authors should submit the final extended abstract, the final poster, and optionally a 1-minute video recording to summarize the work and to serve as a teaser to attract the audience.
Submission(s) should be made through HotCRP (closed)
For more information, please contact Professors Angeles G. Navarro and Teresa Onorati
womENcourage Presentation Template
Important Dates
Extended abstracts (and optionally visual posters) due February 22, 2024 (deadline extended)Notification of accepted posters March 15, 2024Final extended abstracts, visual posters, and 1-minute video due April 15, 2024