Call for Last-minute Only-registration Scholarships

We have opened a call for scholarships that only cover free full registrations (no travel / accommodation reimbursement). The call will be notified on May 30th, and it is particularly aimed at female students from the Madrid region, though students from other regions and countries can participate. Applicants who will actively participate in the conference (posters, late-minute posters, workshops) will have priority. As for the regular scholarships, recipients of the scholarship commit to attending the whole event and acting as volunteers.

Deadline: May 26th, 2024


For more information, visit our web site or contact

womENcourage Scholarships

ACM-W Europe Celebration of Women in Computing: womENcourage and their supporters are proud to announce Participation Scholarships to a number of students who participate in the hackathon or present posters at womENcourage. A small number of participation scholarships will be offered to students who do not participate actively but have shown exceptional interest in the relevant fields.

Applying for a Participation Scholarship

Thanks to our generous supporters, local and international alike, you can receive a participation scholarship to join the event. The purpose of our Participation Scholarship is to encourage women in the field of computing to:

  • Accelerate their careers through learning from others and asking for help when necessary;
  • Converse with others on how best to manage their work-life balance and
  • Meet with their peers to build on their networks of expertise.

This scholarship award is a note of appreciation for your participation in ACM WomENcourage 2024, whose deadlines are available on the Call to Take Part page. The Participation Scholarship covers a free womENcourage registration, as well as a grant (€300.00 or €400.00), the amount of which will depend on your country’s distance to the venue.

The scholarships will be awarded to students who actively participate in the conference with posters and/or by volunteering. Moreover, some scholarships will be awarded to the students to first-year students who have an exceptional interest, taking into account that they may not be able yet to contribute fully but are willing to volunteer

Types of scholarships

Two types of scholarships are offered:

  • Regular Student: Open to students currently studying in a university or equivalent educational institute in Europe. This eligibility is confirmed by requiring that your email account be associated with a university student account.
  • Volunteer Student: This will be open to student volunteers.

At most, 30% of the scholarship budget will be reserved for student volunteers in the Organizing Committee.

How to Apply for a Scholarship

In order to ensure a complete understanding of the application requirements and process, we advise you to read all the provided information carefully before accessing the HotCRP application platform. Once you are ready, you can start your application by visiting the following link

To be done by the applicant before the Application for Scholarship ends:

  •  Applications must be made through the HotCRP application platform. Email applications will not be considered.
  • The email address provided by the applicant on the form must be the student’s university email account (e.g.,
  • The applicant must provide a curriculum vitae of no more than two pages in PDF format.
  • The applicant must provide an abstract indicating the relevance of womENcourage to her career. Remember to think carefully about why you would like to attend the event when filling in the form.
  • Ask your supervisor(s) if they can fill in the recommendation form. If they are unavailable during the time period immediately after the closing date, you should consider selecting another recommender. Check with your recommender if they have filled in their required section after the closing date for applications. The recommender must be an academic (e.g., a lecturer/professor/dean) from your current university. The recommender cannot be an applicant for a scholarship, nor can it be another student. Your application cannot be considered without a recommendation letter from your university.

To be done by the supervisor or lecturer:

  • The applicant’s supervisor or lecturer must fill out the required form during the time period immediately after the closing date. Without this form, the applicant will not be considered for the scholarship, and the application will be deemed invalid.

What are the requirements if I am awarded the scholarship?

  • Applicants must attend on all of the dates of the womENcourage event.
  • Applicants agree to authorize the usage of their tagged and untagged images from the event as appropriate for advertisement purposes.
  • Applicants may be asked to assist with the event. It is essential to be responsive when such an invitation to assist with the conference organization is made. In some cases, failure to carry out the volunteer work can result in loss of the scholarship, except where health or other reasons preclude them from carrying out tasks.
  • The applicants must sign an attendance form and present national identification with a photograph, such as a passport or a driver’s license.
  • It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that their visas and other travel arrangements have been organized before traveling.
  • Scholarship winners have to write a blog post for ACM-W Europe NewsLetter. The details about the blog post will be sent to the winners right after the event.
  • Scholarship winners must take part in a group photo.
    • The release form for the group photo will be signed on the conference registration day.
  • Applications for scholarships after the closing date will not be possible.

Guide to a Successful Application

Who is eligible?

  • Applicants must be undergraduate or postgraduate students in good academic standing in full-time education or, in exceptional circumstances, early career educators or researchers.
  • The applicant must currently study in a European university or equivalent educational institute.
  • The applicant’s field of study should be computing or directly related.
  • The applicant must not have received a womENcourage grant or participation scholarship in the previous year (2023). If you did not receive a scholarship in the previous year but did in any other year, you may apply again this year.
  • The applicant may have an accepted accepted poster, but it is not essential. A few scholarships will be offered to students who are in the first year(s) of their studies and have shown exceptional interest in the relevant fields and who may contribute less to the program but would be willing to volunteer (if necessary).
  • In the event of multiple authorships, each (student) author can apply separately for the participation scholarship, which will be considered separately.
  • The participant must accept the scholarship within the given time frame (usually two weeks) from the date of notification. The scholarship will be reallocated to the next eligible participant if it is not accepted.

What are the application review procedures?

  • Once the submission application deadline ends, the review process will start and will last approximately one month.
  • Applicants will be notified of the outcome of the review process via the email provided by the learner on the application form. The date of notification is available in Important Dates.
  • Attendance at the event is required to receive the scholarship.
  • The final selection is based on the decision of the committee, and there will be no appeal process for the applicants.

I am a part-time student; can I still apply?

  • Yes, you can apply. We do not distinguish between full-time and part-time students.

I am a male; can I still apply?

  • Yes, you can apply. We strongly encourage diversity.

If I get a poster accepted, does that mean I get a scholarship?

  • The poster applications and the participation scholarships are separate processes. You must apply separately for this scholarship.
  • Where a poster has multiple authors, each author interested in the scholarship can apply separately. Each application is evaluated separately based on its merits.
  • Accepting a poster does not guarantee nor exclude you from an award.

What happens if I cannot attend?

  • You must notify us as early as possible so that we can allocate the scholarship to the next eligible applicant.
  • If you do not respond to the award email by the allocated date, we assume you cannot attend and will award the scholarship to the next applicant.

What are the selection criteria?

  • At least three reviewers will typically review each application. To ensure fairness, an application will not be reviewed by a reviewer from the institution or any affiliation with the applicant. The reviewers will consider the following criteria:
    • Is your statement presented in the abstract relevant to and tailored for the womenENcourage celebration? Does it focus on the aims and objectives of the womENcourage participation scholarships? Consider why you wish to attend this event.
    • Have you participated in or organised an event supporting Women in computing or Similar?
    • Do you have a poster accepted to present at the conference?
    • Will you apply to attend the Hackathon at the event?
    • Did you fill in all of the fields in the application form? Make sure that each field has the correct information. Does the applicant’s name on the scholarship match the one on the poster/paper application? Does the name match precisely with the details of your bank account? If you have made any mistakes, please email the participation scholarship committee.
  • We hope to sponsor as many applicants as possible from various academic levels, universities, and countries to help encourage diversity.
  • We encourage applicants of all genders to apply for the participation scholarship and any other available scholarship.

What happens if I don’t get the scholarship?

  • There are many sources of funding, some of which come from our generous sponsors.
  • Refer to the ACM-W website for ideas.
  • Check Google Travel and Conference Grants.


For any further questions, please contact our scholarship chairs at