Call for Workshops and Tutorials
The 11th ACM Celebration of Women in Computing: womENcourage™ 2024, hosted at Escuela Politécnica Superior of Universidad Carlos III de Madrid. Open to all genders, this event is aimed at celebrating the role and impact of women in computing and supporting participants at different stages in their STEM careers by offering an international, multisectoral, and multidisciplinary forum to share experience and knowledge, get constructive feedback, and promote meaningful networking.
ACM womENcourageTM 2024 invites everyone to submit proposals for workshops and tutorials on topics related to the conference theme, “Responsible Computing for Gender Equality”.
The overall purpose of a workshop is for attendees with shared interests to meet in the context of a focused and interactive discussion. Workshops are an opportunity to move a field forward and build community: a chance to find people who care about the same issues, questions, and research agenda as yourself.
On the other hand, tutorials allow attendees to extend their knowledge beyond their current areas of expertise. They help people explore new methods, techniques, and practices; develop new skills in order to innovate; and become inspired to pursue new ideas.
Workshops and tutorials can be long (3 hours) or short (1.5 hours) depending on the scope and the content of the event.
Proposals for workshops and tutorials should be prepared using the SIGCONF template available here.
Proposals should be written in English and provide:
- a title
- an abstract [max. 500 words]
- three to five keywords
- description of the target audience
- description of the objectives, goals, relevance to WomEncourge2024o, and expected outcomes
- avoid political statements
- details of organizer(s) and presenter(s)
- provide information about duration, format, activities, if the computer is required, and schedule
Proposals should be submitted through HotCRP.
Important Dates
Proposals due: February 15, 2024
Acceptance will notified: on March 7, 2024
Proposal evaluation criteria
All workshop and tutorial proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:
- Relevance to the scope of the ACM womENcourage 2024 Conference
- The extent of the workshop/tutorial provides a distinctive and interesting contribution and is distinct from other proposals
- Likely impact on the target community and potential for attracting participants.
If you have any questions, contact