Last-minute Poster Session Schedule Poster Session – Wednesday 26 June, 15.30-16.00 Poster Title / Abstract & Authors 1-minute video recording 1 – Crowdsourced Active Speed Test Measurements and the Importance of Contextualization. E. Belding 2 – Exploring the role of computing in the prevention of falls in the elderly and the Improvement of Well-Being. M. Chica, S. Nagy, A. Herráiz, B. Alcázar 3 – A Framework and Methodology for Performance Prediction of HPC Workloads. J. Orteu, M. Clasca, M. Garcia-Gasulla, E. Jennings, J. Labarta 5 – Integrating Machine Learning approach with open-source tool for detecting and evaluating vulnerabilities in pursuit of ensuring and implementing security guidelines in Web Applications. S. Musha 6 – Progressive enumeration of bitriangles in large bipartite networks. J. Sales, E. Pasarella, C. Zoltan, M. Vidal 7 – A novel prediction model for combined computational and storage malleability. P. Sanchez-Checa, D. Singh, J. Garcia-Blas, J. Carretero 8 – Cyber threat intelligence tool for leaks and cyber-criminal groups investigation in the DarkWeb. C. Amado 9 – CFTR Drug Interactions and their impact on ion conduction. O. Torres, T. Hegedus 11 – Binary classification of tweets reporting children’s medical disorders. E. Valverde Bilenko 12 – Augmented Reality in the service of energy conservation. A. Chimienti 13 – Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Data Economy: Use Cases in Nursing. C. Tang, Z. Chen, J. Ma 14 – How-Provenance Polynomials for Efficient and Greener Rule Mining. I. Calviac, L. Galárraga, A. Termier