Posters provide womENcourage participants with an opportunity to present their work, receive feedback, exchange knowledge and establish collaborations with others who share the same interests. Poster submissions present original ideas and research in computing. The topics include but are not limited to computing designs, algorithms, techniques, systems, tools, evaluations, scientific investigations, methodologies, and societal, ethical, and policy issues.
Poster presenters must put up the posters on Thursday 4th of October early in the morning (from 8:15 to 9:00) and must be taken off on Friday 5th of October (after 18:00). Poster presenters will have a 3-min presentation (1 slide, which can be the actual poster) in the allocated slot which can be found in the Poster Presentations Schedule.
Accepted Posters:
Presenter | Title | Abstract |
Alisa Gazizullina and Sergey Krendelev | Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme for Secure Computation | Abstract |
Patricia Pons and Javier Jaen | Interspecies Playful Interactions: How Technology Can Help Improving Children and Animals’ Wellbeing | Abstract |
Elham Shojaei, Dolores Rexachs, Emilio Luque and Francisco Epelde | Management of heart failure disease through lifestyle | Abstract |
Shrutilipi Bhattacharjee | Modeling and Forecasting of Urban Heat Island using LST and CO2 | Abstract |
Elena Gutiérrez | What do Melons and Lemons Have in Common? Extending Parikh’s Theorem to the Weighted Case | Abstract |
Isabel Garcia-Contreras, Jose F. Morales and Manuel V. Hermenegildo | Code. Analyze. Repeat. Incremental and Modular Static Program Analysis | Abstract |
Nerea Luis and Moisés Martínez | STAICRAFT: a Starcraft-based educational platform for Artificial Intelligence | Abstract |
Elisjana Ymeralli, Giorgos Flouris, Theodore Patkos and Dimitris Plexousakis | APOPSIS: AWeb-based Platform for the Analysis of Structured Dialogues | Abstract |
Janis Wong | IsWALL-E Human? : Introducing STEM and ethical decision-making to younger audiences | Abstract |
Lucia Pons, Vicent Selfa, Julio Sahuquillo, Salvador Petit and Julio Pons | Criticality Aware LLC Partitioning: Reducing System Turnaround Time with Intel CAT | Abstract |
Mireya Munoz-Balbontin, Tjeerd olde Scheper and Arantza Aldea | Criticality Control of Glucose-Insulin Release | Abstract |
Maria Karyaeva and Valery Sokolov | Multi-word Term Extraction from Domain-specific documents | Abstract |
Alba Fernández-Izquierdo | Ontology testing framework through requirements formalization | Abstract |
Sanaz Taheri Boshrooyeh and Alptekin Küpçü | Inonymous: Anonymous Invitation-Based System | Abstract |
Enxhi Shkurta | Improving VoIP traffic in LTE | Abstract |
Zeynab Rzayeva, Dilbarkhanim Huseynli, Tabriz Nuruyev and Kanan Babayev | Facial Emotion Recognition | Abstract |
Kousar Aslam, Yaping Luo, Ramon Schiffelers and Mark van den Brand | Refining active learning to increase behavioral coverage | Abstract |
Aydin Bagiyev, Konul Gurbanli, Natavan Mammadova and Sariyya Nuriyeva | Development of limited-vocabulary ASR for Azerbaijani | Abstract |
Alena Demchenko and Andrey Ragimov | The System of Risk Assessment and Prevention of Road Accidents | Abstract |
Asreen Rostami, Chiara Rossitto and Annika Waern | Frictional Realities in Mixed-Reality Performances | Abstract |
Narmin Orujova, Galib Alili and Isa Mammadov | Measuring Busyness of University Facilities | Abstract |
Elena de La Guía, Vicente López Camacho, Teresa Olivares and Luis Orozco | Using Internet of Things to Support Teachers to Enhance Social and Classroom interactions | Abstract |
Raras Tyasnurita | Apprenticeship Learning from a Hyper-heuristic Mentor to Solve Vehicle Routing Problem | Abstract |
Anna Vasilchenko and Adriana Wilde | Self-Flip: How Learning through Making Can Flip the Classroom | Abstract |
Andrea Yanez and Conor Hayes | Modeling Optimal Intervention Strategies for Decision-Support in Epidemic Management | Abstract |
Maheshya Weerasinghe, Matjaž Kljun, Klen Čopič Pucihar and Aaron Quigley | Novel Technologies in Teaching and Learning towards Enhanced Knowledge Retention | Abstract |
Maheshya Weerasinghe | An Active Video Game Based Lower Limb Rehabilitation Approach to Assist Children with Cerebral Palsy | Abstract |
Norma Alejandra Vergara Lope Gracia and Andrew Collins | High-resolution linkage disequilibrium structure of functional elements within exonic and intronic regions | Abstract |
Mary Walsh McGinty and Tania Quill | Working in a Data Center: Conversation on Perspectives in Accessibility | Abstract |
Madhura Kumaraswamy and Michael Gerndt | Exploiting Application Dynamism for Auto-tuning HPC Applications | Abstract |
Yahya Hassanzadeh-Nazarabadi, Alptekin Küpçü and Oznur Ozkasap | SkipSim: A Skip Graph Simulator | Abstract |
Nisha Panwar and Sharad Mehrotra | Secure Smart Home Communication | Abstract |
Paulina Busch, Eszter Kocsis and Adriana Wilde | Impact of Design Decisions in Information Visualization: two takes on the UNESCO World Heritage Sites dataset | Abstract |
Ivana Bachmann | Modelling the interactions between the Internet backbone and the BGP network | Abstract |
Alison Kerr | Alexa and the Promotion of Oppression | Abstract |