
Posters provide womENcourage participants with an opportunity to present their work, receive feedback, exchange knowledge and establish collaborations with others who share the same interests.

We welcome poster submissions that present original ideas and research in computing. The topics may include but are not limited to computing designs, algorithms, techniques, systems, tools, evaluations, scientific investigations, methodologies, and societal, ethical, and policy issues.  Authors may submit their new work or versions of their previously published work.

Submission guidelines:

  • One-page extended-abstract of the poster should be prepared using the SIGCONF template from the packages available here (ACM conference publication format)  and must be submitted as a PDF file through EasyChair.
  • Submissions should emphasize the importance of the research and the author’s contributions. More detailed guidelines can be found in the Guide to a Successful Poster Submission.
  • Examples of submissions from last year’s edition of womENcourage are available here.

Poster submissions can have multiple authors (of any gender). At least one author of each accepted poster is expected to attend the event and present the poster. Authors of accepted posters can apply for womENcourage scholarship.

For more information please contact

Poster abstracts due May 1, 2018
Notification of accepted posters June 8, 2018
Final poster abstracts due June 30, 2018
Poster PDF due Sept 1, 2018

The deadline for poster abstract submissions was 1st May 23.59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE). Applications are now closed.

Poster presenters must put up the posters on Thursday 4th of October early in the morning (from 8:15 to 9:00) and must be taken off on Friday 5th of October (after 18:00). Poster presenters will have a 3-min presentation (1 slide, which can be the actual poster) in the allocated slot which will be announced on the website.


NEW! Accepted posters can be found here.


We welcome proposals for participatory workshops on topics related to:

  • Computer Science Research and Practice;
  • Skills and Professional Development;
  • Global Issues and Challenges.

Proposals should provide details about the workshop title, objectives, format, schedule and presenters, including the contact details, expertise and a track record of the workshop organizers. More information can be found here: Call for Workshop Proposals.

Proposals due June 15, 2018
Notification of accepted proposals July 10, 2018
Final details due July 20, 2018

Proposals must use the template: Workshop Proposal Template. Submission should be done by email at:

Alternatively, submissions can be done by completing an online form: Workshop Proposal Online Form.

The deadline for workshops or tutorial proposals submission was 15th June 23.59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE).


NEW! Details about accepted workshops can be found here.


We welcome proposals for participatory tutorials on topics related to:

  • Technologies design and development;
  • Research, education and scholarly publications;
  • Personal, professional growth and well-being.

Proposals should provide details about the tutorial title, objectives, format, schedule and presenters, including the contact details, expertise and a track record of the workshop organizers. More information can be found here: Call for Tutorial Proposals.

Proposals due June 15, 2018
Notification of accepted proposals July 10, 2018
Final details due July 20, 2018

Proposals must use the template: Tutorial Proposal Template. Submission should be done by email at:

Alternatively, submissions can be done by completing an online form: Tutorial Proposal Online Form.

The deadline for workshops or tutorial proposals submission was 15th June 23.59 Anywhere on Earth (AoE).


NEW! Details about accepted tutorials can be found here.